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Frequently Asked Questions

About Ravio

  • Ravio is Europe's first real-time compensation benchmarking platform, purpose-built for the tech industry. Ravio’s mission is to empower HR leaders to make the right compensation decisions. If you need to determine how much to pay for a new role or evaluate how your company stacks up to the market, come and join us.

  • Unlike traditional survey providers, Ravio connects directly to your HR information systems to offer real-time compensation benchmarking. This allows every customer to see how the market moves in real-time instead of relying on stale datasets that are 6-12+ months old. Thanks to our direct HRIS integration and automatic job mapping, we eliminate the need to fill out tedious compensation surveys. Our focus on tech companies enables us to offer a much more relevant dataset that can be filtered by funding stage, valuation, etc. Finally, Ravio’s benchmarking data also includes equity data which is almost impossible to find in the market today.

  • Visit our pricing page to learn more about Ravio’s benchmarking and salary bands products. Get in touch with our team to see which products are best fit for your needs.

  • Ravio connects directly to customers’ HR information systems (HRIS) via API. As a result, Ravio is able to analyse compensation data in real-time.

  • Ravio provides users with a live view of the market, so they can monitor trends and adjust compensation practices accordingly. Since Ravio connects directly with our customers’ HR information systems, any time a new employee is onboarded or a compensation change is rolled out in the market, Ravio’s insights remain up-to-date.

  • We are building Europe’s largest real-time compensation benchmarking database, and any European company can join our platform. We are continuously adding new countries & sub-regions as we scale. To see the up-to-date list of available countries and regions, please get in touch.

  • Yes. To see the up-to-date list of available countries and regions, please get in touch.

  • No. All of our data is strictly anonymised, standardised and aggregated before it enters our benchmarking database. We take data security and privacy extremely seriously. Learn more on our Privacy page.

Data & Security

  • Yes, Ravio is registered with the ICO, registration number ZB362825.

  • Yes, we take our Data Protection obligations extremely seriously, and continually assess our compliance with GDPR. We use the latest encryption technologies and have a range of technical and organisational measures in place to protect your data.

  • Ravio was designed to offer enterprise-grade security from day one, and have a variety of technical and organisation measures in place to protect your information. We encrypt all data that flows through our systems, both in transit and at rest, keep audit logs so that you can know who is accessing your data and when, and all clients have access to multi-factor authentication within their accounts. In addition, we keep your employee data segregated from that of other clients. Aggregated and anonymised benchmarks are only displayed if there are a number of underlying data points in order to prevent backsolving to any individual or company.

  • Ravio’s platform integrates to your HRIS and is regularly updated using the HRIS as the source of truth. Where information is provided manually or the HRIS requires regular syncing, we ensure that this is updated on a regular cadence as required (e.g. aligned to a clients reward period). We adhere to the principle of Data Minimisation by only collecting the information that is relevant for the purpose of providing the services. We will not collect any other fields from the HRIS which we as a company do not need.

  • All of Ravio's benchmarking data is anonymised and aggregated to ensure no individual or company can be identified, and benchmarks are only displayed if there are a sufficient number of underlying data points. Within Ravio, you can grant roles and access to users who can view Individual employee data. You can manage roles and access directly from the settings page. In addition, you are able to enable two-factor authentication within your account and access audit logs to identify who viewed what and when.

  • All of Ravio's benchmarking data is anonymised and aggregated to ensure no individual or company can be identified. Benchmarks are only displayed if there are a sufficient number of underlying data points. We match your employee job titles & levels to those in Ravio’s job position framework to standardise all terms and further eliminate any identification risk.

  • All of our data is processed in accordance with our Data Processing Agreement and stored on servers within the EU or UK.

  • You can discontinue the service and have your account deleted at any time by reaching out to us at support@ravio.com. We will delete our integration to your HRIS and we will remove your data from our dataset.

Getting Started

  • Getting your HRIS connected to Ravio is easy. The instructions for your specific system will be shown during the onboarding process, but typically all you need to do is copy & paste an API key and follow simple instructions. We will guide you how to get this key during the onboarding process in case you are unsure.

  • Ravio integrates with the most common HR systems. To see the full list of currently supported HR systems, please see our Integrations page.

  • If you can’t find your HRIS on our list of Integrations, you can still get access to our benchmarking tool. Simply use our Excel template to upload your compensation details in the onboarding process.

  • Total compensation is much more than just base salary, but most HR systems rarely track equity, variable compensation, or benefits. In order to benchmark your total compensation, Ravio provides a simple template to upload your equity, variable compensation, and benefits data in the onboarding process.

  • Ravio will map your job levels against our proprietary framework, so we can compare your company against market benchmarks. This could be your own bespoke job levels and/or job codes by third-party providers like Radford, Towers Watson or Mercer.

  • Absolutely! In fact, as part of our onboarding process we will level all of your employees for you. You can adjust the result if something doesn’t look right, and can make our framework your own by using it for all of your future compensation decisions.

  • Once Ravio knows more about your company (e.g. industry, funding round, revenue, HQ location), we can tailor relevant benchmarks, so you can make the most informed compensation decisions possible.

Confirm Job Position & Job Level

  • Job positions are the most descriptive title for an employee’s role at a company. Job families (sometimes called departments) are used to cluster job positions that involve related work. There is no “standard” job position framework, so Ravio developed our own framework to help us standardise and compare roles across companies.

  • Job levels (sometimes called job grades) are used to cluster roles by their level of responsibility and seniority. Job level frameworks are commonly used by medium and large organisations as a basis for compensation and career progression frameworks. There is no “standard” job level framework, so Ravio developed our own framework to help us standardise and compare roles across companies.

  • We developed our own Ravio job & level framework in order to standardise and compare roles across companies. The Ravio framework was developed with leading experts in the compensation and rewards industry and is designed with simplicity and practicality in mind. You may notice that the Ravio framework aligns closely with many of the most widely used frameworks today.

  • Ravio automatically maps your employees to job positions and levels within the Ravio framework. This is completed based on the information provided via the HRIS integration and your uploaded job level framework. Even though Ravio automatically determines job position and level, please take the time to review and verify Ravio’s mapping, so we can continue to improve our job mapping models.

  • If Ravio’s job mapping model has low confidence in the assigned job position or job level, we flag the record for your review. The most common flags are caused by an unknown job title, missing data from your HRIS, or a compensation outlier. Please take the time to review and verify Ravio’s mapping, so we can continue to improve our job mapping models.

  • Ravio is able to show how your company compares to the market and how equitable the compensation structure is within your company. If the job position and level for employees within your company is not correct, the resulting data and insights will not be correct. Please take the time to review the job position and job level for each employee. It is well worth the investment in time!

  • While reviewing Ravio’s automated job mapping, you may notice that certain data is missing or not up-to-date. All employee data is integrated directly from your HRIS, so if you need to make a change to employee data, you must make this change directly in your HRIS. Although Ravio refreshes HRIS data at a regular cadence, if you want to ensure the data is updated as quickly as possible, please re-submit your integration on the onboarding data submission page.

  • While reviewing Ravio’s automated job mapping, you may want to change the assigned Ravio job position or Ravio job level. You can select a new position or level from the dropdowns before confirming the record. If you are unsure about the best position or level, you can consult the Ravio framework documentation at the top of the page.


  • Visit our pricing page to learn more about Ravio’s products. Get in touch with our team to see which products are best fit for your needs. Once you integrate your HR information system and confirm Ravio’s job mapping, you will have access to real-time benchmarking.

  • The “Explore the Market” section contains market benchmarks for compensation, diversity, and benefits. “Compensation” benchmarks provide insight into the market compensation distribution for a particular job position and level. “Diversity” benchmarks provide insight into the market headcount and compensation distribution by age and gender. “Benefits” benchmarks provide insight into the most common benefits packages on the market.

  • In the “Explore the Market” section, select “Benchmark Your Company” to see how your company compares to the market benchmark distribution.

  • Visit the “Analyse Your Company” to assess opportunities to improve across compensation and diversity. “Compensation” will highlight employees that are being underpaid or overpaid, and “Diversity” will highlight headcount & compensation distribution within your company by age and gender.

  • Ravio allows you to add a “market slice” to make the benchmarks more relevant to you. Filters may include location (country & city), revenue, industry, funding round, headcount, and headcount growth.

  • Ravio provides visibility into total compensation, including breakdowns by base salary, total comp, total cash, equity, and benefits. Ravio is committed to providing accurate and trusted benchmarks, so not all compensation types are immediately available for all roles. Please check out the benchmarking module to see available filters.

  • Ravio is committed to providing accurate and trusted benchmarks, so we only display benchmarks, filters, and features if we are confident they represent the market. In order to provide additional guidance to you, we assess whether a benchmark has “Great,” “Good,” or “Limited” data quality. We use similar sample size thresholds as Towers Watson and Mercer, and we run an advanced set of statistical analyses to ensure the benchmark represents the market.

  • While reviewing “Analyse Your Company,” you may notice that certain employee information is inaccurate. All employee data is integrated directly from your HRIS, so any changes will need to be made directly in your HRIS.

  • While reviewing “Analyse Your Company,” you may notice that certain employees have the wrong job position or job level, and are therefore being benchmarked to the wrong market segment. If you wish to make a change, simply select the “Levelling” module on the left-hand sidebar. Once you update the Ravio job position or level, the employee will be benchmarked against the correct market segment.

  • When your HRIS updates (e.g. a new employee joins, a compensation change is made), your Ravio benchmarks will automatically update as long as your integration is active. Although Ravio refreshes HRIS data at a regular cadence, if you want to ensure the data is updated as quickly as possible, please re-submit your integration on the onboarding data submission page.

  • No. All of our data is strictly anonymised, standardised and aggregated before it enters our benchmarking database. We take data security and privacy extremely seriously. Learn more on our Privacy page.

Anonymous Onboarding

  • Ravio does not collect any fields from your HR system that can directly identify an employee. This includes First Name, Last Name, Username, Profile Picture, Company Email Address, Personal Email Address, Phone Number, Bank Details, Government-Issued IDs, Emergency Contacts, etc.

  • Ravio collects the following data to match each employee to the most relevant market benchmark: - Job position data (to match to the most relevant job position) - Work location data (to match to the most relevant location) - Manager ID (to match to the most relevant job level) - Employment status data (to verify the employment status at the company) - Employee ID (to empower users to verify the position, location, and level by consulting the HR system) Ravio collects the following data to unlock insights within the Ravio platform: - Compensation data (to analyse company compensation vs. market benchmarks) - Age data (to understand age disparity & distribution within the company vs. the market) - Diversity data (to understand pay & hiring gaps within the company vs. the market)

Still have questions?

Email us at support@ravio.com or use our web chat in the bottom right of your screen.